Brennan's Journey

The support Brennan has received is overwhelming and incredibly humbling. There is a growing number of people who are asking us how they can help Brennan through his journey and our main focus and priority continues to be prayer for Brennan, his overall health and for the doctors. But so many people are wanting to help even more. For those that feel led to help Brennan financially, a "donate" button is now available. It is linked directly to a special account for Brennan and his long road ahead. Any amount is greatly appreciated. I wish there were words to express our gratitude for all of the support and prayers B is receiving. Thank you to all and God Bless.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Lots of Plaid

I thought I would show a little peek into Brennan's closet. I'm still not comfortable pulling a t-shirt over his head so he's wearing lots of button-ups these days. He had a ton from his last surgery in October and of course he needed to wear them for this surgery. If you scroll through all of our pictures through the blog since his surgery, you will see him sporting all the different ones... lots of plaid :) B has been wearing button-up pj's at night but they are way too warm when the weather is hot, which it is recently. So, I've cut a little slit in the back of a few of them to pull over his head :) When all is said and done, I plan on packing up all his button-up shirts in a box and donating them to another family whose son will be having surgery too.

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