Brennan's Journey

The support Brennan has received is overwhelming and incredibly humbling. There is a growing number of people who are asking us how they can help Brennan through his journey and our main focus and priority continues to be prayer for Brennan, his overall health and for the doctors. But so many people are wanting to help even more. For those that feel led to help Brennan financially, a "donate" button is now available. It is linked directly to a special account for Brennan and his long road ahead. Any amount is greatly appreciated. I wish there were words to express our gratitude for all of the support and prayers B is receiving. Thank you to all and God Bless.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Last Ultrasound

We had our doctor appt. today and our "little fighter" had no heartbeat. It was so sad to see the little baby in the sac, just so still. I would have been almost 10 weeks along. The baby was measuring small and the doctor said the baby's spine looked swollen, which could have meant that the baby had issues.
I am doing okay right now. I had my good crying moment in the doctors office after we found out the news. We were able to wait in the room while the doctor's office scheduled a procedure for me.
We then went to the hospital to sign pre-op papers and to get my pre-op blood work done.
Tomorrow, I will be going to the outpatient center next to our hospital. The procedure is scheduled for 2:00pm. We have to go in at 12:30 for prep. It's a quick procedure but I have to be put under for it. I will probably be in recovery for an hour or 2 and then released to go home. I can't eat or drink anything after 6am tomorrow... ugh

So, of course there are many emotions going on with me. I am doing okay though. I had my time to grieve and will probably have more moments ahead. But, when I look into my kiddos faces, I feel so incredibly blessed to be a mommy of 2 such wonderful angels. I know God had my whole journey with this little one planned and wanted me to go through this, it's just hard going through it at the moment. It was hard to go through the pregnancy symptoms, weight gain, bed rest and not exercising, laying around and not being able to play with my kiddos, not clean the house, unable to do the usual things I'm used to, tons of bloodwork, 5 doctors appts. and ultrasounds... and see that it all ended up to this. My faith has been tested in the past 7 months and even more recently, but I'm fully confident that God is love and has us going through everything for a reason.
And I do look forward to seeing our little one in heaven one day!


Kristal Sawyer said...

I am so very sorry Kim!!!

I was just thinking about you yesterday for some reason and wondered how your baby was...I will be praying for you and your family right now and also today as you go in for your procedure!

randomsugarwords said...

I am so sorry for your loss Kim. Hugs and prayers.

Sara Harmon said...

We went through a miscarraige in October so we can relate to your loss. We will be praying for you and your family now and in the coming days. God works in ways that are unclear in the moment, but praise God that we can trust that His name will be glorified in the end!